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Online Application

Virtual Interactive Platform

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Introducing VIP

Our Virtual Interactive Platform takes online meetings to a whole new level. VIP lets you hold meetings just like on any other video conferencing platform, but with one difference. You can also present integrated interactive content to participants. No need to install any application, just open a link in your browser and go!

Easy to use

Easy to use

Whether you are hosting a business meeting, an educational seminar, or a virtual event, VIP lets you engage your audience like never before.

Presentation and streaming

There are several options for content used during the presentation. PPT documents can be easily shared from any admin. The presenter can use a green screen or large TV screen behind them to better interact with the content. Videos are streamed via an external video service like YouTube, which avoids lagging.

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Engage your audience

With interactive polls, 3D objects, 360 experiences, and web content, you can create an immersive and engaging environment for your participants.

Full control, throughout the event

VIP gives meeting presenters complete control over interactive content, allowing them to switch seamlessly between different content types and keep their audience engaged throughout the session.

Full control, throughout the event
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Online Application

Virtual Interactive Platfrom